-9.9 F
West Bend

Harvest cap near on Upriver Lakes as 136.5 pound female sturgeon registered at Pipe, WI | By Wisconsin DNR

February 17, 2023 – Fond du Lac, WI – Today, Friday, Feb. 17, 2023, sturgeon spearers reached between 90-99% of the harvest cap on the Upriver Lakes. Spearers with tags for the Upriver lakes can continue to spear until 1 p.m., Feb. 18, 2023.


The biggest fish harvested today was an F4 female weighing 136.5 lbs. and measuring 80.5 inches long. This fish was harvested by Joshua Genske at the Pipe registration shack.

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Spearers with tags for Lake Winnebago may continue to harvest sturgeon on Lake Winnebago until harvest caps are reached or until the Lake Winnebago System harvest caps are reached.

Upriver Lakes harvest numbers representing 90-99% of the harvest cap, were set at 70 juvenile females, 79 adult females and 246 males.

For up-to-date harvest information, visit our sturgeon spearing webpage.

Cold weather finally prevailed today and spearers took to the ice. Sixty-one fish were harvested between Lake Winnebago and the Upriver Lakes. Fifty-four fish were harvested from Lake Winnebago (5 juvenile females, 28 adult females, 21 males) and 7 from the Upriver Lakes (0 juvenile female, 3 adult female, 4 male). All of the fish Upriver were registered at the Winneconne registration station. The Pipe registration shacks continues to have the highest harvest rates with a season total of 267 fish registered. They also have registered the most fish over 100 pounds.

View the full details in today’s full harvest report.

There were 3 fish harvested today over 100 pounds. The biggest fish harvested was an F4 female weighing 136.5 lbs. and measuring 80.5 inches long. This fish was harvested by Joshua Genske at the Pipe registration shack. While this fish might not be the heaviest of the year, at 80.5 inches, this is a long fish. When fish get to this size, they tend to slow their growth rate. At this size, a fish might only grow 2 inches in the matter of 6 years as opposed to their quick growth rate early in life.

Congrats to all successful spearers. To everyone headed back out tomorrow, remember to be safe.

Tomorrow, the Neenah registration station will reopen. The Quinney and Poygan registration stations will remained closed. Please check the sturgeon spearing page on the DNR website for registration station locations.

Remember: No Ice Is Safe Ice

Keep close attention to local spearing/fishing club reports on ice conditions. Your safety is top priority. If you do choose to go out, please review our ice safety tips.

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