August 6, 2023 – Allenton, WI – I am Haley Hughes, the daughter of Darren and Karen Hughes of Sunset Farms located in Allenton and this was my third year in Addison Achievers 4-H.
The first two years in 4-H I showed dairy where I won Reserve Champion (2021), Grand Champion and Reserve Champion (2022).
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This year I won Reserve Champion with a beautiful red and white Holstein heifer. Â Last year I decided I wanted to learn how to raise beef as an additional 4-H project. Â With the help of my cousins Ben and Abbi Wolf I learned the ins and outs of proper diet, beef herdsmanship, and clipping for a beef show.
I would like to thank my parents and my cousins for all of their support, Jackie Moegenburg at Roden Barnyard Adventures for the opportunity to work as one of your “Cownselors” this summer and Bob Roden for your bid for my home bred and raised steer.
Lastly, I want to give a GRAND THANK YOU to Farmers Grain and Feed for purchasing my red ribbon steer for $3/lb at the Washington County Fair.  I appreciate everyone’s support in my first year of my 4-H beef project.
Haley Hughes
thanks for being a good example to younger kids