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Two people killed in 3-vehicle accident in neighboring Dodge County


Jan. 1, 2018 – Dodge Co., WI – On Dec. 31, 2017 at 5:37 p.m., the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to a three vehicle crash on CTH R near CTH EM., Town of Emmet, Dodge County.

Preliminary investigation shows a GMC Jimmy was traveling eastbound on CTH R in the westbound lane.

The GMC struck a westbound Ford Ranger head on east of CTH EM. A Chevrolet Trailblazer that was traveling westbound behind the Ford Ranger stuck both vehicles.

The female driver of the GMC and male driver of the Ford were pronounced dead at the scene by the Dodge County Medical Examiner.

There were no passengers inside those vehicles. The three occupants of the Chevrolet received non-life threatening injuries and were transported to Aurora Medical Center in Summit.

The names involved are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.

CTH R between Schofield Rd. and CTH EM has been reopened.

Assisting at the scene were Dodge County Crash Investigation Team, Lebanon Fire Department and EMS, Dodge County Medical Examiner, Watertown Fire Department Paramedics, Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Chaplain and Dodge County Emergency Response Team.

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