Hartford, Wi – Michael Turner is a student-athlete who suffered a brain injury at the October 28, 2022 WIAA Level 2 playoff football game at Hartford Union High School. The HUHS training staff, team physician, and Hartford paramedics responded immediately on the sideline, and Michael ended up being transported to Children’s Hospital. With Michael’s parent’s permission an update is being provided on his current condition.

Last week, Michael made great strides. He was moved from the ICU Unit into the Therapeutic Unit where he is communicating with his family, eating normal food, and starting his physical therapy. Michael has been working hard and has a very positive attitude.
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In typical Michael fashion, he likes to tell a joke or two with his doctors and therapists. The plan is to move him from Children’s Hospital into a Rehabilitation Center in Mequon where he will continue his recovery.

Michael and his family continue to be very grateful for the outpouring of support. It has been inspiring to see Michael progresses on his journey to recovery. Please continue to keep Michael and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Many have reached out regarding ways to support Michael and his family, and an account has been set up at Bank Five Nine for all further donations. Please make checks to “The Benefit of Michael Turner,” and drop them off at any of the Bank Five Nine branches in the area.
Online t-shirt orders will be delivered to HUHS this week, and we will notify everyone who ordered when they can be picked up. There are no extra t-shirts and we are not accepting additional orders at this time. HUHS also still has OrioleStrong #MT2 wristbands available for anyone interested that can be picked up in the main office during normal school hours.