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Town of Farmington VFW Auxiliary member wins Exemplary Service Award

Town of Farmington, WI – Kathie Lendosky President of VFW Post #1393 Auxiliary was unanimously named the 2023 winner of the Jeanette Frank Service Award during the annual VFW/Auxiliary Convention in Rothschild, WI.


According to the VFW Department Auxiliary Awards Chairman, the Jeannette Frank Service Award is named for our 1965-1966 Department President who served as the National President in 1980-1981.

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 Jeannette was a member of Auxiliary 659 in Manitowoc.  This Department Award recognizes the exemplary service of one outstanding member who has belonged for 25 consecutive years. The recipient of this prestigious award Kathie Lendosky was raised in West Bend, married, and resides in the township of Farmington.  

At age six, Kathie joined the Auxiliary Junior Girls Unit and remained a member for 10 years.  At the Zablocki VA she entertained the Veterans with her hat and cane dancing, playing cards and games as well as doing puzzles, talked to veterans, and listened to their stories, said in VFW Department Auxiliary article and recipient.

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She also served food at VA events hosted by VFW Post/Auxiliary at the VFW Post, Regner Park and various community events. At this time, she assisted with many Post/Auxiliary 1393 events and activities. Kathie served asPresident, Senior Vice and Junior Vice Presidents, and Flag Bearer for the Junior Girls Unit said in an article from the Department Awards Chairman.

Kathie joined Auxiliary 1393 in West Bend at the age of 6 in 1968. She has always been an active member. Kathie (daughter of Gilbert and Virginia Sauer, West Bend), comes from a VFW Family. She has performed above and beyond her whole life without question and continues to current said the VFW/Auxiliary article.

 Kathie has tireless commitment, and is very loyal to the Auxiliary, Post, Veterans and their families, and Community.  She has served over 30,500 hours over the years providing exceptional support Veterans and their Families, and mentors Auxiliary Members in their duties according to the VFW Auxiliary article.

Lendosky goes above and beyond duties and is always promoting the VFW veterans/spouses benefits to make sure the information is available to all. She is known as the Uber for Veterans and their Families and Auxiliary Members said in a reference from a VFW Auxiliary member.

Kathie has 50 years of service in the Auxiliary to present and has held numerous officer positions over the years at all three levels of the Auxiliary.  She is currently President of Auxiliary 1393 for consecutive years and does so many of the administrative duties while finding time to dedicate herself to Veterans.

She sets up an informational table at the library with Missing Man Table, and other areas within the community for Memorial Day, September suicide month, and Veterans Day every year with brochures to help veterans with PTSD, mental health, urgent care, crisis numbers, resources, and more. Kathie thinks of everyone else, and always asking how Auxiliary members are, and concerns herself how the veterans are throughout the community said in reference per an AuxiliaryMember.

Lendosky has held many chairmanships over the years, and current Chairman for VFW Auxiliary Vendor Craft fair at the VFW Post.  Lendosky is active in all fund-raising missions, and chairs many of the boards. She is a mentor to many, and her enthusiasm is infectious said in a reference from an Auxiliarymember.

At the District Level she held many chairmanships and was District President from 2014-2016, and is current District 6 President per VFW Department Auxiliary Chairman article.  She was also District Chief of Staff. At the Department Level she has been Guard, Hospital Chairman, and Deputy at the Zablocki VA for the last four years.  Kathie has held numerous chair positions at both the Auxiliary/District levels. She has chaired all programs and assisted with the Auxiliary Outreach Program and Membership per VFW Auxiliary article.  

Along with all the dedicated work over the years Lendosky does with Veteran events, programs, volunteerism, organizing public events, she has found the time as a Girl Scout Leader Assistant and Teacher, organizer, while fulfilling a fulltime nursing career. Kathie is retired from Zablocki VA, and continues in her work for veterans.

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