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VIDEO | Meet the Slinger High School FFA | By Olivia Strupp

Slinger, Wi – The Slinger Future Farmers of America has become very successful within the past few years. The video below showcases who the Slinger FFA is and what they are about. You will meet some of the officers and members and get to know a little but about what they do.


Slinger FFA is led by Ms. Lillia Janz.  Some of the members include FFA president Olivia Strupp, secretary Paige Jambura, treasurer Noah McMeekan, reporter Kate Dornacker, Cameron Wetzel, Kyla Weber and Maddy Hess.

The students work on farming projects including a flex farm, composting and working at the Washington County Fair.

Click HERE to learn more about Slinger High School FFA.

About the author: Olivia Strupp is a junior and Slinger FFA President. Strupp is active in farming and breeds, raises, and sells show pigs.

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