August 22, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Funeral services were held Tuesday, Aug. 21 for WWII veteran Dean Benzer, 98, at Phillip Funeral Home in West Bend.
Benzer joined the Army Air Corps in 1943 after attending Whitewater High School and University of Wisconsin – Whitewater.
He was a bombadier on a B-17 serving in England with the 8th Air Force.
Following the service Military Honors were conducted at Washington County Memorial Park in West Bend.
A flag-draped coffin, Honor Guard, the firing of volley shots and a lone bugler playing Taps followed the funeral for veteran Dean Benzer.
The tri-cornered flag with blue field of stars was presented to Benzer’s family.  “This flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation and the United States Army as a token of appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service.”