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West Bend

VIDEO | Recognizing alumni during 60th anniversary celebration of St. Frances Cabrini School

Oct. 30, 2017 – West Bend, WI – During the 60th anniversary celebration at St. Frances Cabrini a pair of dedicated alumni were recognized. School principal Aaron Hilts presented the awards to Dave Wiesner, Class of 1981, and Cathy Spies, Class of 1971.

Dave Wiesner

“A parochial education is a good, quality education,” said Wiesner.

Spies was one of eight children in her family who attended St. Frances Cabrini. She identified strongly as being part of the Orchard Street gang. “A lot of the people on our street were founding members at the parish,” she said. “Our elders knew how to have fun but they also gave back to the community. You grew up knowing it was expected that you give back.”

Cathy Spies

Spies said the biggest impact a parochial education had on her was “faith and discipline.”

“You always have to put God first and in a parochial school there was always the expectation you behave and get your work done,” she said.

Wiesner and Spies were presented with plaques. The award will be presented annually.

About 550 alumni, families, and current and former staff attended Sunday’s celebration.


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