30 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Brief rain shower passes through Washington County, WI

June 25, 2023 – West Bend, WI – A quick morning bike ride with the kids turned into a wet ride for a dedicated mom who pedaled through an intense shower just after noon on Sunday. Mother Nature is finally dropping some much-needed rain across communities like Newburg, Town of Polk, Germantown, Jackson, and West Bend, WI.

There were some brief storms overnight, which brought some power outages in the area. According to the National Weather Service there is more precipitation on tap this afternnon.

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Gus Witte from Witte’s Vegetable Market in West Bend said, “Stress and worry can take hold if you aren’t careful, but I trust in the Lord above that rain will come and 2023 will get lost in the shuffle of every other non-descript year.”

Showers are also likely this afternoon with a 40% chance of precipitation with more rain in the forecast Monday morning according to the National Weather Service.

Let’s see your happy rainfall photos.

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