Jan. 24, 2017 – West Bend, WI – West Bend City Engineer Max Marechal outlines the process as the city follows up on what it will take to remove the ‘bridge to nowhere’ over the Milwaukee River.
The removal of the bridge is limited to the overhead structure over the Milwaukee River. The cooridor between existing buildings from Main Street to the west bank of the river will remain in place as well as the stairs, as they are required to provide emergency egress for the theatre building.
The following schedule reflects the expectation that the DRN give a determination we wouldn’t need a permit from them and that we would move forward with other required efforts immediately to put plans and contract documents together:
Obtain permission to bid – Feb. 20, 2017
Obtain DNR determination on permitting – Feb. 27, 2017
First advertisement for bids – March 3, 2017
Second advertisement for bids – March 10, 2017
Bid opening – March 21, 2017
Award of contract – April 3, 2017
Construction start – May 1, 2017
Estimate for work is expected to be around $100,000.