May 15, 2019 – West Bend, WI – There was an old-school effort that began today to encourage kids to walk to school in West Bend.
The Safe Routes to School program is a collaborative effort between Bike Friendly West Bend, Aurora Health Care, the Washington-Ozaukee Health Department, students in Concordia University Wisconsin’s nursing program, St. John’s Lutheran School and Saint Frances Cabrini School. The fundamental goal of the project is encouraging parents and children to walk or bike to school more often, as a healthy lifestyle initiative.
Crossing guard Cliff Van Beek was working the corner at Seventh Avenue and Hawthorn. He said the crossing guards and respectful drivers make for a safe environment for children to get to school.
Organizers say the goal of the program is to expand countywide, school by school, city by city.
The next day for the Walking School Buses for St. John’s Lutheran is May 22 and 29. Proposed routes can be viewed below or by clicking HERE.
For more information about Bike Friendly West Bend click HERE.