20.9 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Vote Riley Hansen WB District 2 alderman in February 18 primary | By Bill Schulz

January 14, 2025 – West Bend, Wi – With the fatigue of the presidential election behind us, it’s time to ramp up our energy for the Spring Election in April. We have a chance to vote in people who bring a different view to local governance. As citizens, it is our civic duty to make a plan to vote and execute.

Letter to the rile

Riley Hansen has made an energetic entrance into the District 2 aldermanic race in West Bend. He is motivated and passionate to bring a different view to the city council. Not one of a politician, but one of a loving family man and successful business director.

Riley brings a wide knowledge base ranging from handling budgets and meeting deadlines to finding compromise to promote business growth. This couldn’t be accomplished without having an open mind.

Which is why he would make a great representative for the people living in district two as well as those in the great city of West Bend! Please vote for Riley Hansen on or before February 18.

In another race, John Donaldson has been an absolute powerhouse from day one on the West Bend School Board. He has advocated for common sense while sitting on the policy committee.

Although he is met with constant opposition from other board members, he remains determined and focused to keep student safety and financial stewardship a priority.

This district NEEDS a guy like John Donaldson who won’t back down in his pursuit to be a voice and advocate for the students and We The People.

The election for the West Bend School Board is April 1, and this is no joke.

Join me in supporting a couple hardworking men who want to work for you.

Bill Schulz

West Bend, WI 53095



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