19.7 F
West Bend

Washington County Trail Sharks finish impressive season | By Julie Willmas

October 29, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – The Washington County Trail Sharks did an awesome job on the Trek trails for its last race, the state championship.  Many of the athletes had some outstanding races, collecting the fastest times they have raced all season. 

trail bike

The weather was chilly in the morning, but was perfect for all racers. The course was filled with fans dressed in costumes as they cheered for all riders.

Congratulations to Anja Lanser for earning State Champion for her category and the series.  Kendra Schmitt finished 3rd in her category at the state race and 2nd place in the overall series.  Quentin Willmas was 6th in the state and 7th for the series.  It was a great season for each of them and we can’t wait to see them race again next year.  Also congratulations to the Trail Sharks for finishing 5th in the state, as a team.

We will miss our senior racers (RJ Goldberg, Gabe Kebbekus, Carson Phillips, Mikey Spangenberg), but look forward to watching them race in the future as mountain biking is a lifelong sport.

Medalists for their race….

Anja Lanser (West Bend) 1st

Kendra Schmitt (Kewaskum) 3rd

Top ten finishers….

(3 laps)-

Quentin Willmas (West Bend) 6th

RJ Goldberg (Hartford) 10th

(2 laps)-

Gabe Rogaczewski (Slinger) 10th

(1 lap)-

Jaiden Schumacher (West Bend) 7th

Other team athletes…

(1 lap)-

Cassie Jerich (West Bend) 16th

Sophia Bunton (Hartford) 31st

Kira Zechlin (West Bend) 34th

Mason Pokorny (West Bend) 21st

Alex Seboe (Germantown) 23rd

Isaac Jerich (West Bend) 26th

Tucker Kiviaho (Slinger) 88th

Luke Donaldson (West Bend) 87th

Graham Jablonski (West Bend) 104th

Eli Jerich (West Bend) 28th

Aiden Schubert (West Bend) 54th

Joe Daniels (West Bend) 80th

Oliver Davison (Jackson) 89th

 (2 laps)-

Ayla Abraham (West Bend) 19th

Fiona Shaw (West Bend) 15th

Lexi Schubert (West Bend) 16th

Sydney Kebbekus (Slinger) 42nd

Brandon Paulson (Slinger) 36th

Vincent Davies (Jackson) 43rd

Anthony Gonnering (West Bend) 48th

Dylan Joel (Germantown) 19th

Gabe Kebbekus (Slinger) 44th

Ben Bunton (Hartford) 37th

(3 laps)-

Carson Phillips (Slinger) 14th

(4 laps)-

Mikey Spangenberg (West Bend) 23rd

Team Standings

Washington County Composite 5th place

Thank you!

Julie Willmas Washington County Trail Sharks Team Director

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