17 F
West Bend

Final vote tallies by Washington County Board on safety improvements and CTH W extension

May 13, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – During the May 12, 2021 meeting of the Washington County Board there were three votes taken pertaining to safety improvements at CTH S, STH 175, STH 83 and the extension of CTH W.

Click HERE for a rebroadcast of the March 16, 2021 public hearing on CTH W extension

Below is information received from the Washington County Clerk on how each vote was tabulated. Click HERE for a list of Washington County supervisors.

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Attached are the vote records to Resolution 11 and the two amendments.  Supervisor Gallitz and Supervisor Hartwig’s vote records on all three votes are listed below as they attended the meeting via zoom and will not be listed on the attached pdf documents.

Overall, there were three votes taken pertaining to safety improvements to STH 83, STH 175 and CTH S and CTH W extension.

The first amendment was read by county board chairman Don Kriefall.

Res 11 Amendment c : Be it Further Resolved that the extension of CTH W shall not commence until the county receives non-county funding in the excess of 50% of the total cost of the project in 2026, whichever is sooner. 

That amendment failed on a vote of 14 – 12.

2021R-11 Amendment 1:         Brian Gallitz – No       Bob Hartwig – No

2021R-11 Amendment 2: Remove CTH W as indicated in CB meeting. 

That motion to remove County Highway W extension passed on a vote of 20 – 6.  The six dissenting included Supervisors Chris Bossert, James Burg, Pam Konrath, Don Kriefall, Jodi Schulteis, William Symicek  ((**one note: Supervisor Konrath flagged the chairman during this vote saying she hit the wrong button. Supervisor Brian Krebs said, “Hold the vote, hold the vote.” Konrath was told she had time to register her vote. A call has been placed to the county clerk and Konrath to confirm this is how she wanted her vote to register – only because if you heard her support for farmers on CTH W and look at her other votes, this one doesn’t jive.))

FOLLOW UP UPDATE: Supervisor Konrath did say she voted ‘No’ twice. “I messed up, but happy it didn’t hurt the final outcome,” she said.

Voting remotely in favor of the amendment  Brian Gallitz – Yes      Bob Hartwig – Yes

2021 Resolution 11 – Description: Amend 2021 – 2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) – County Highway Projects (CTH W and CTH S).

Final vote was 22 – 4. The four dissenting votes were Supervisors Chris Bossert, Denis Kelling, James Burg and Jodi Schulteis.

Voting remotely in favor of 2021R-11   Brian Gallitz – Yes           Bob Hartwig – Yes

Washington county executive Josh Schoemann has until end of Monday, May 17 to decide whether to veto the decision. Washington County attorney Brad Stern said, “This may not all be resolved tonight, but I think W is off the table.”

DQ Blizzard


  1. Sound Off

    Safety First
    Watched our County Board Meeting 5-12-2021 and the discussion on highway W extension.
    About a dozen citizens attended and put pressure on our county board to kill the W safety project.. To appease the citizens they now created safety issues that will when enacted will without a doubt kill someone. This board was not and I repeat looking out for all the citizens of Washington, but rather a hand full of closed minded citizens wanting to save about 12 acres of land and absolutely no concern for a life. I pray they all have mercy on there conscience when that day comes and it will.

    Mike Schmidt
    6032 county rd K
    Hartford Wi. 53027

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