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“Big loss” as West Bend City Clerk resigns

October 29, 2021 – West Bend, WI – The news spread quickly after the story first appeared Thursday, October 28, 2021 that West Bend City Clerk Stephanie Justmann was leaving her post at City Hall. Justmann turned in her resignation on October 28, 2021.

Clerk counting ballot from April 7 election

Justmann started with the City January 23, 2017 following the departure of Amy Reuteman.

Justmann was a trusted clerk in the City of West Bend who oversaw elections, poll workers, and her favorite job swearing in new officers.

“She was great to work with and one of my favorite people at City Hall,” said former Dist. 7 alderman Adam Williquette.

Washington County Clerk Ashley Reichert worked closely with Justmann. “I have been extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Stephanie over the years, from when she was the Village of Kewaskum Clerk, to her most recent position as the City of West Bend Clerk, she has truly done an amazing job,” Reichert said. “Although we are sad to see her leave, we know she will do a great job in her new role, Dodge County is truly lucky to have her.”

The news of Justmann’s resignation took some elected officials by surprise.

District 1 alderman John Butschlick was stunned by the news. “We’re really going to miss her,” he said. “I always thought she was really doing a fantastic job. I hate to see her go.”

Prior to West Bend, Justmann worked as the clerk in the Village of Kewaskum. At the time her starting salary in West Bend was approved at $65,985.

“I’m leaving to work as the purchasing agent in the finance department in Dodge County,” said Justmann.

Justmann started her career under Dodge County Clerk Karen Gibson.

“She’s very smart,” said Gibson.

Justmann has been a confident, quiet leader at City Hall during several events that rocked the community. She offered stability in October 2019 when Mayor Kraig Sadownikow presented his resignation and she offered strength following the untimely death of District 6 alderman Steve Hoogester.

Justmann added integrity and trust to elections. Poll workers, like John Kleinmaus said she was “intelligent and easy to work with.”

Former District 5 alderman Rich Kasten was shocked with the news of Stephanie Justman resigning. “During my time on the Council, she was excellent to work with and very knowledgeable. The City Clerk’s office ran smoothly and it was one of those departments I never had to worry about – under her leadership, it just worked. Wherever her career is taking her, they will be very lucky to have her and West Bend will have a large hole to fill. I wish her all the success she deserves.”


City of West Bend Finance Administrator Carrie Winkelbauer said Justmann will be missed. “She was great to work with,” said Winkelbauer. “She did a great job with elections and training the poll workers and I wish her all the best.”

District 8 alderwoman Meghann Kennedy said, “On a macro level what is being called ‘the great resignation of 2021’ is not something the City of West Bend is immune from as an employer. More people than ever are leaving their jobs nationwide. I have recently read a report that shows, nearly half of American workers are actively searching for new opportunities.”
Kennedy continued, “It is always sad to see someone go and I want to congratulate Stephanie  on her new job. While I will miss her and have fond memories of working with her, I wish her continued success in her new role. Her dedication and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. She will be hard to replace but I am confident our staff will work hard to find the right candidate for the role.”

Justmann’s last day at West Bend City Hall is November 26, 2021.

In other clerk news: Alison Pecha is the new clerk in the Town of Polk. Pecha was formerly the clerk in the Town of Herman in neighboring Dodge County. Pecha fills the seat previously held by Sandy Rotar, who died unexpectedly August 30, 2021 at the age of 50.



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