19.7 F
West Bend

West Bend West JV2 volleyball falls to Slinger | By Lily Tennies

October 6, 2023 – Washington Co., WI – West Bend West JV2 volleyball ended up bowing to the Slinger Owls this week in all three hard-fought sets 25-16, 25-19, and 25-17.

Our match started off with our team stepping onto the court, hyped, ready for anything, and calling the ball. We got six assists and several digs.

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Our team played with great confidence and we plan on taking that to our North Shore Conference tournament on Saturday at Hartford with play to begin at 8:00 a.m.

We end the season with our last North Shore Conference match on Thursday, October 12, against Whitefish Bay with a start time of 5:30 p.m.

About the author: Lily Tennies plays on the West Bend West JV2 volleyball team as a right-side hitter. After graduating high school she would like to become a teacher.

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