22.5 F
West Bend

What’s going across from Sendik’s on Hwy 33 in West Bend

July 16, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Three months ago WashingtonCountyInsider.com posted a story about the new building going up on Highway 33 across from Sendik’s and behind Starbucks. That article is posted below.

Sendik's neighboring property

Google maps providing a nice wintery photo of the location in question on this 90-degree day.


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The agenda for the Tuesday, May 7 Plan Commission meeting in West Bend is over 106 pages. One of the items up for approval is construction of a new Verizon store on W. Washington Street across from Sendik’s.

Plans from MSI General call for two buildings. The first site plan is for a 3,000-square-foot commercial building, located approximately 300’ west of 18th Avenue on the south side of W. Washington Street. The development also has a second commercial building pad proposed to the west. The details for the second building have not been determined and a separate site plan approval will be needed when that development has been determined.

New Verizon store


The building location is directly north of Sendik’s and to the west of First Bank and Starbucks.








Neighbors will remember that location was going to be home to Pizza Ranch. It was actually the second proposed location after Steve Kearns bought the original site just to the west of Westbury Bank.

ARCHIVE WashingtonCountyInsider.com April 10, 2017 – The first location was on W. Washington Street just to the west of Westbury Bank. On August 15, 2016 PRWB Real Estate LLC closed on the purchase of 1.7 acres on W. Washington Street for $300,000. Then, within a couple weeks, PRWB Real Estate LLC flipped the property and sold the parcel for $500,000 to Steve Kearns.



Some of the details the Plan Commission will be reviewing include:

· A driveway connection to W. Washington Street is proposed.
· An internal driveway connection is proposed at the southwest corner of the site to provide a second access through the Sendik’s development.
· A traffic impact analysis was originally completed when the Pizza Ranch development was considering the site. An updated analysis is needed to verify that the new specific commercial uses don’t require off-site improvements for W. Washington Street or N. 18th Avenue.
· 19 standard parking and 1 barrier free parking stalls are provided for this phase of the development. Additional parking will be constructed with the next phase.

Plans for Verizon store by WB Enterprises

A couple other items on the agenda include a 1,872 square-foot addition to Affiliated Clinical Services on E. Washington Street, an 7,000 square-foot addition to First Baptist Church on S. Main Street, and development of a new Pet Supply store on S. Main Street in the former location of Grimm’s Dollar Express.

Pet Supply Store

The Plan Commission meeting gets underway at 6 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.

American Commercial Real Estate

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