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Zuern Building Products to expand Madison and Delafield stores | By Alex Sprtel

April 1, 2020 – Allenton, WI – As Zuern Building Products is expanding into the Madison market and the Delafield area with expansive showrooms at each.

Zuern building and supply

“Delafield is a well established market for Zuern and there has been a desire from our team and customers to have a showroom in the Lake Country area,” said Jennifer Zuern, “This, along with the knowledgeable and passionate team at Window Design Center will bring added service and experience to our Zuern team and customers.”







For over 55 years Zuern has been a Marvin dealer.  This acquisition brings continued diversification and expanded category sales in the window and door segment, which has grown significantly in the past 12 – 15 years.

Zuern is excited to announce Jeff Van De Hey as the leader of Window Design Center from Zuern. Van De Hey has over 25 years of window experience, 20 of which have been with Marvin.

“You will see updates in both the Madison and Delafield showrooms, state of the art warehousing, additional inside and outside field service support, and an increased focus on continuing education to name just a few,” said Van De Hey.

The Madison and Delafield expansion of Window Design Center from Zuern is underway as of April 1, 2020.

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