-9.9 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Record crowd at 5th annual Schmidt Century Farm open house

West Bend, WI – At 10 a.m. families did not even wait for the ole cow bell to ring and they started piling into Schmidt Century Farm in droves… for hours…  to experience a free day on the farm. The open house was a huge success for the Schmidt family who rolled out the red carpet and let everyone experience the gold standard of life on the farm.

There were free tractor-drawn hayrides into the pasture to stare at the Angus steers that were busy staring right back.

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Kids could get up close and personal with baby calves, pigs, goats… and everyone got a little wet if you waddled too close to the ducks and the geese showing off in the kiddie pool.

Parents took a break as the kids worked off energy in the bounce house, the craft table or spent some time on the old-school seesaw. Farm kids always had the best toys.

This little cowgirl took home a mini bale of hay… just manageable enough and good for an upcoming Halloween or Thanksgiving display.

Good ole’ fashioned fun on the farm and mark your calendar for next year, October 6, 2024.

Did you come to our 5th Annual Farm Open House on October 1? Scan this QR code or this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2waA82ZoFcBGUHQttfS2cNEgzwYSt-rd0gnqAws5KVnv_1Q/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 and give us your feedback. Thanks!!

But don’t be a stranger, as Schmidt Century Farm also has its Farm Store with fresh cuts of beef, pork, and chicken. Click HERE to learn more.

Horicon Bank


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