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West Bend

Attempted homicide reported in Barton | By West Bend Police

Sept. 6, 2018 – Barton, WI – On Tuesday, Sept. 4 2018 at 11 p.m. a woman reported her 32-year-old ex-husband and her 33-year-old present boyfriend were involved in an argument. The woman told the police dispatcher that during the argument her ex-husband stabbed her boyfriend several times.

Responding officers observed the victim had a deep laceration to his chest and two stab wounds to his right arm. The victim / boyfriend was bleeding severely from all three wounds. West Bend Rescue Personnel transported the victim to St. Joseph’s Hospital for medical treatment.

The 32-year-old ex-husband had fled the scene prior to officers arriving. Police found the ex-husband hiding in a wooded area near the apartment building.

Officers took the man into custody.




Officers transported the man to St. Joseph’s Hospital for a minor injury he received to his face during the altercation. The suspect told investigators the argument with his ex-wife’s new boyfriend was regarding an accusation that his ex-wife’s boyfriend had allegedly battered her on Monday, Sept. 3, 2018.

West Bend Police investigated that incident and arrested the boyfriend in that case and charged him with Battery and Disorderly Conduct.

The suspect / ex-husband stated he was upset the District Attorney’s Office released the boyfriend on Tuesday, Sept. 4 without charging him.

Police arrested the ex-husband and charged him with Attempted Homicide.

The 33-year-old victim is in stable condition at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

This report appeared on the West Bend Police blotter.

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