19.7 F
West Bend

Cedar Community receives 5-star Medicare rating | By Carrie Sturn

West Bend, WI – Cedar Community is proud to announce that the rehabilitation and skilled nursing divisions at Cedar Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center were recently awarded five-star ratings for overall quality by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is the highest rating possible.

Cedar Community

Ratings are based on national standards and assessments set by Medicare. Assessments include health inspections, staffing, and quality of resident care measures.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services calculates a star rating for each of the three categories, along with an overall rating. Cedar Community received five stars in all categories. These standards provide insight into the quality of care and services that are provided to residents and are a great tool when researching a healthcare facility. To learn more, visit the Care Compare website, https://bit.ly/3Y9iCAf.

American Commercial Real Estate

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