-9.9 F
West Bend

City of West Bend proposes changing District 5 polling place again

January 5, 2023 – West Bend, Wi – On Monday, January 9, 2023 the West Bend common council will again consider changing the polling place in District 5.


Right now, voters in the area vote at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School, 777 S Indiana Avenue.

Early word is the change is due to some parking concerns that occurred during the school day during the last Tuesday election. 

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The recommendation will be to move the District 5 polling place to the Washington County PAC, 333 E. Washington Street (Indiana Ave. entrance).

It was just last June 2022 when the council relocated Dist. 5 from the VFW Post on Sand Drive and move it to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School on Indiana Avenue.


Interesting to note the change to the PAC, since the county executive has talked about razing that building in the future.

The council meeting starts at 6:25 p.m. The meeting at City Hall is open to the public.



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