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UPDATE| Multiple vehicle crashes on I41 | By Sheriff Martin R. Schulteis

April 21, 2021 – Washington Co., WI. – On Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 11:13 a.m., the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center began taking a series of 911 calls from motorists on I41 near CTH D in the Town of Wayne for a multi-vehicle crash involving both passenger vehicles and commercial motor vehicles.
accident, emergency vehicles
Photo courtesy Gregory Staiduhar
Kohslville Fire Department was the lead fire department in this incident, and no major injuries were reported.
Substantial traffic delays ensued as several commercial motor vehicles needed to be removed from the traffic lanes and I41 southbound was closed at STH 28.
Within the following 15 minutes, the emergency communications center began taking more 911 calls of additional multi-vehicle crashes along I41 from Arthur Road to Cedar Creek Road in the Town of Polk.
Click HERE for video of the accident from Fox 6 in Milwaukee
The sheriff’s office is handling the largest scene on I41 northbound just south of Cedar Creek Rd. At that scene, there was a total of 48 vehicles involved; 38 were damaged.
Photo courtesy Gregory Staiduhar
There was a total of six patients that were transported to local medical facilities with various degrees of injuries. Another 26 were evaluated and treated at the scene. Rite Way Bus Service Inc. assisted with the mass transit of about 50 stranded motorists to Pioneer Travel Plaza which acted as a reunification and investigative point for the incident. I41 northbound was closed at STH 60 due to this scene.
The Wisconsin State Patrol is investigating another multi-vehicle chain reaction crash on I41 north of STH 144. The Wisconsin State Patrol will be releasing information regarding that investigation.
Slinger Fire Department was lead fire department in these incidents and numerous other fire departments and rescue squads assisted from both in and out of Washington County.
In total, between CTH D and STH 60, there were a total of 20 different accident scenes on I41 that are currently under investigation by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the Wisconsin State Patrol and the Slinger Police Department. Near white-out snow conditions will likely be a contributing factor in the investigations.
It is anticipated Interstate 41 will remain closed between STH 28 and STH 60 to facilitate emergency cleanup operations for an extended period of time.
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