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Judy Phillips Memorial Influencers in Aging Award nominee Dave & Lisa Morbeck | By Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County

Washington Co., WI – This May, Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County will announce the winners of the Judy Phillips Memorial Influencer in Aging Award. The award honors Judy Phillips and her legacy of passionate work for senior citizens. It will recognize those in the community whose work demonstrates creative, impactful and strong advocacy for the senior citizens.

Dave and Lisa Morbeck, owners of ComFor Care and Just Like Home, are nominated in the Community Impact – Business/Organization category.

Dave Morbeck

“Judy Phillips had a big impact when we started our business,” said Dave. “She didn’t know us from Adam, we never thought about being business owners. But she took the time, and I’ll never forget, she said say what you mean and mean what you say.”

That is a message the Morbeck’s share frequently with their staff. “I have it written on the wall in our meeting room, ‘Continuous improvement beats postponed perfection.’ We can always be better.”

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The Morbecks have made hundreds of connections with families in need over the past few years and the pair have a passion for caretaking.

“I wanted to do something that was more challenging, more rewarding, more meaningful,” said Dave. “There are all these acronyms in healthcare, and nobody tells you what to do. So, that’s what really attracted us to this is I can help families.”

Lisa said they’ve earned the trust of people in the community. “People come up to us and say, they can go about their day and do tasks and not have to worry about their husband or wife or parent because everything’s okay and they know they’re in a safe environment.”

Click HERE to read about Judy Phillips Award nominee Paula Hader

The Judy Phillips Memorial Influencers in Aging Award will be May 24, 2022, at the Maurin Center at Lac Lawrann, West Bend, WI.

Awards will be presented for Creative Expression, Community Impact, and Aging Advocacy.

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