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Kewaskum Destination Imagination teams earn awards | By Nikki Jones

Kewaskum, WI – Students with Kewaskum Destination Imagination (DI) earned awards at regional tournaments and advanced to the DI Affiliate Tournament on April 1, 2023, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Two teams from the club participated at the middle school competition level.
Kewaskum Destination Imagination
Students on “Kings of the Kitchen Counter” team: Daniel Westphal, Owen Jones, Adalynn Raether Ramirez, Penelope Marquardt, and Zoey Jakubowski

Knights of the Kitchen Counter, a middle school team, took first place at the regional and state tournament in both the Technical Challenge and the Instant Challenge competitions. The Technical Challenge required the team to assemble a puzzle they created with two puzzle solvers that represented technical methods.

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Kewaskum Destination Imagination
Students on the “Cool Chicks” team (L to R): Mackenzie Herbst (6th), Stella Harris (5th), Avarey Jakubowski (5th) Genevieve Heiser (5th), Rose Furman (4th), and Lilly Furman (5th)

Cool Chicks, a combined middle and elementary school team, took third place at the regional tournament in the Fine Arts Challenge, which involved flipping a well-known story to have a new main character, a new learning about that character, and a piece of scenery that flipped.

Kewaskum Destination Imagination
Students on the “Music Dogs” team (L to R): Annabelle Martin (2nd), Sam Ogi (2nd), Leona Watzlawick (K), Taylor Staffin (1st), Valerie Schulenberg (1st), Ashley Karrels (1st), and John Wilson (2nd)

Music Dogs, A Rising Star team from K-2nd grades performed in front of friends and family at the Annex this year to gain experience performing in front of an audience. Their challenge required them go on an adventure where they used musical instruments, that they built by hand, to save the day.

“I have managed teams for three years and every year I am amazed by how the students solve their challenge. They teach me how to be creative and to not give up when the first solution fails,” said Nikki Jones, Team Manager of Knights of the Kitchen Counter.

“DI is my creative outlet. The experiences and friendships I have gained will help me throughout my life and I’m so glad for them. Creating plays and building all the props is so fun! I will continue to do DI next year because I enjoy it so much,” said Claire Pamperin, Team Member of Knights of the Kitchen Counter.

Destination Imagination is an international, project-based educational program that encourages innovation, teamwork and creative problem solving. Students choose one of seven different open-ended DI challenges and work together in teams to plan, create and present their solution.

Kewaskum DI is an independent, non-profit club that supports the Kewaskum Community. Volunteers support teams from grades K-12. Tournament entry fees and team expenses are funded with fundraising activities and donations. Find out more about the organization, including how to volunteer, at wisconsindi.org.

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