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West Bend

REAL ESTATE | Caution: Don’t be left in the dark | By Al Wisnefske – Land and Legacy Group

Washington County, WI – This week, Al Wisnefske, Owner/Broker of Land & Legacy Group, LLC, urges, “Don’t be left in the dark.”


I’m making my way back to Wisconsin after a 3-day real estate training down in Florida. It was a great event that focused on team building and increasing the quality of service. There were some awesome speakers that included Alex Rodriguez, Elena Cardone, and Ed Mylett.

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Now more than ever you need someone you can lean on and trust.
There are so many AI (artificial intelligence), tracking, predictions, and expectations out there.
Don’t believe me?
Open up Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook. Click on something totally random; something you’re not even interested in.
Watch your feeds start to cater to what you clicked on.
These apps will continue to feed you this even though you have no interest in what they’re showing you. Based on your actions, they’re trying to optimize your time and experience on the platform.
Is this how you want to make decisions? With apps that don’t truly understand you? That can be tricked?
Believe me, there are more apps than the three I named that do this.
Don’t be left in the dark. Don’t be unheard.
Have someone in your corner. A REAL PERSON.

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