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Council to vote today on location of West Bend Farmers’ Market

January 8, 2024 – West Bend, WI – On Monday, January 8, 2024, the West Bend common council will consider approval of the location of the 2024 Downtown Farmers’ Market.


DWBA executive director Noelle Braun listed on the application the downtown location. In 2023 the location was moved to Fifth and Sixth Avenue just south of Poplar Drive as the north end of Main Street downtown was under construction.

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A question was posed to vendors and the community regarding which location worked better.

Braun indicated in an article last November that she weighed the feedback and would recommend the Main Street location.

Below is some of the feedback following the question: What do you think? Should the market return to the downtown or stay around the old county courthouse on Fifth and Sixth Avenues. 


Lisa Ann

Downtown like it always has been! Great for those businesses and so much more space. Didn’t have the farmers market feel by the courthouse. Downtown is where it belongs

Justin Pierringer

I liked the courthouse location, like a mini Madison setup

Jeannette Lynn

Downtown! Help support the businesses !

Jacqueline Marie

Downtown West Bend! This should not even be in question!!!!
We built the market DOWNTOWN to be one of the best if not THE BEST in the state.

Dawn Marie

Downtown, the businesses count on this every year to thrive..

Joyce Smith

Downtown! Support the local businesses, show off the renovation and river walk. Nice locations to sit and enjoy the morning

Brenda S. Boudry

Definitely downtown for sure and so we can also support the businesses!

Shannon Marie

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. Keep it downtown.

Dale Poisson

Move back to the Downtown are. Much nicer!

Carol Vandlik Heger

I like the historic nature of farmers’ markets located around a courthouse square. But I also understand the modern need for parking lots.

John Montag

Downtown to help support the businesses on Main St that depend on that extra traffic to support their revenue!

Mitch Knox

We loved the downtown location. Didn’t like the 2023 location at all.

Beverly Hirschmann

Back downtown, has more parking, I tried to go 2 times this year but couldn’t find a parking spot.

Jason Jaybird Kempfer

What if they blocked off veterans did it all around art museum and parking would be downtown with access via the riverwalk

Mary Cordes

Not being from West Bend my whole life, my opinion differs from most. I understand the boost of business from the original downtown location for the famer’s market, but think the flow of the market was much better this past season. It amazes me that most people like the “bottle necking” that downtown West Bend has – 1 way in and have to reverse to get out. My hubby and I visited downtown during this past season (only 1 block away, really) so I’m not seeing what would stop other shoppers of the farmer’s market from going downtown before or after shopping the farmer’s market too. I also liked another poster’s response of having it around the art museum.

Kelley Peterson

Stay at the old courthouse!

Kelly Scott

People come in the masses from all over for the “downtown wb hallmark-like farmers market experience”, not to mention the businesses that experience a major boost and or DEPEND on those days financially from people looking to shop – why would anyone in their right minds sabotage all of that to move it over there? So backwards I almost can’t – shaking my head at the so-called brain behind this bad idea

Ruth Marks

Downtown only! I went to the alternative location once this year, instead of previously to the downtown location nearly every week. I will not return to the alternative location, it was a horrible choice! You lost lots of Market customers this year. It will be a permanent loss if you don’t return to downtown!

Charmaine Brea

hated the 2023 location nowhere to sit to have a drink or coffee

The council will make the final decision.

Monday’s meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.

American Commercial Real Estate

West Bend, Wi – The 2023 West Bend Farmers’ Market wrapped up its season and during the long winter break discussions were had regarding its future location. Well now a decision has been made.

Witte’s is a strong customer following at the Farmers’ Market

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Noelle Braun is executive director of the Downtown West Bend Association.
“Over the past month, we have received feedback from so many in the community who have shared their thoughts on the West Bend Farmers’ Market location moving forward. We have surveyed Downtown West Bend businesses, Farmers’ Market vendors, and Farmers’ Market patrons, and we appreciate everyone’s voices being heard.
“The feedback we have received is overwhelmingly in favor of bringing our beloved Farmers’ Market back to Main Street. We believe this location will have the greatest economic impact for the vendors and the Downtown Businesses and will showcase our historic downtown and newly reconstructed Main Street.
“Our director will be writing the Special Events permit for this location and it will be up for approval by the West Bend Common Council in January 2024. We’re excited to continue hosting the No. 1 voted Farmers’ Market in Wisconsin.
“We will continue our nonprofit’s mission of enhancing and preserving the heart of West Bend by planning and hosting wonderful events that will attract visitors near and far to our beautiful and flourishing Downtown.”


Tom Schwai is a fan favorite at the Farmers’ Market
Fresh produce at the Farmers’ Market

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