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Jackson sunflower showcased by father and son; submit your photos today

Washington Co., WI – It’s that time of year when sunflowers are in full glory, and neighbors across Washington County are showing off their sky-high foliage for our 6th Annual Sunflower Challenge.

These pictures were sent in by Charlie Clausing on behalf of father and son, Fred and Jordan Gauger, of Jackson, WI.

Father and son, Fred and Jordan Gauger

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Submit YOUR sunflower photos to washcoinsider@gmail.com today; include name and contact information. 

Sunflower Fun Fact: At the bud stage, sunflowers exhibit a unique trait called heliotropism, where the sunflower face turns toward the sun at all times throughout the day, starting the day facing east and ending it facing west.  Vanderlinden, Colleen, June 2022, The Spruce, https://www.thespruce.com/fun-facts-about-sunflowers-3972329 Accessed September 19, 2022

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