West Bend, WI – Murphy & Prachthauser wants to wish all fathers, including the fathers in the M&P family, a Happy Father’s Day.

I was inspired by my dad to choose my career in law and specifically personal injury law. I was fascinated by the stories he told of people he had helped or was helping. I remember being maybe 5 or 6 and coming down to the office on a Saturday where my dad would set up my brother and I in a conference room with highlighters, pens, and legal pads while he worked.
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It was so exciting to pick out supplies from the office supply room. It was inspiring to see how hard my dad worked to help others.
As I’ve gotten older, it’s been so special to continue to learn from my dad and to discuss the law, cases, and work with him. My mom jokes that she has to put time limits on how long we can talk about work otherwise we would “talk all night.”
In order to become a lawyer in Wisconsin, we get sworn in by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin.
As part of the swearing in process, a current lawyer is able to make a motion to the Court to officially approve a new lawyer being admitted to practice.
One of the best experiences was having Thadd be the person to move for my admission to the State Bar of Wisconsin.