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Hartford Plan Commission approves design for Festival Foods, Caribou Coffee, and Shoppes at Bell Ave.

June 15, 2021 – Hartford, WI – Design plans for a new Festival Foods, Caribou Coffee and retail complex called Shoppes at Bell Avenue were approved this week by the Hartford Plan Commission.

Festival Foods

Community Development director Justin Drew laid out the makeup of the proposed 70,213-square-foot store at 1275 Bell Avenue in the Hartford Plaza. He outlined the drive-thru on the east side of the building for online shopping pickup and the drive-thru on the west side of the building for Caribou Coffee.

There was a short discussion on the new Shoppes at Bell Ave. building that would be to the northeast of the grocery. Drew asked that the design on one center segment of the building include a different color and texture.

Shoppes at Bell Ave

Alderman Joe Kohler agreed. “I don’t want it to look like a pole building as people come into town on Highway 60,” he said.

cast iron

Drew confirmed there would be “extensive vegetation in that area” and it will have landscaping.

Festival Foods is slated to open in 2022 and click HERE to read about jobs for 200 people

“There will be four large trees east of that building as well as a couple of retaining walls… and then some decorative shrubs as well,” Drew said.

The Plan Commission unanimously approved the design.

Click HERE to read about the new Starbucks opening in Hartford.

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