32.6 F
West Bend

Final day to vote in-person absentee


Today is the last day to vote in-person absentee for the upcoming Tuesday, April 5 election and it’s the last day to register to vote until Election Day.


At City Hall in West Bend the clerk moved a table into hall to take care of people specifically who need to register to vote.  “We’ve had up to 20 people in line,” said clerk Amy Reuteman. “Every time someone needs to register it holds up the line at the counter. We’re trying to make it more convenient for people.”



The deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. to register to vote.


The next voter registration will be on Election Day, April 5.


Reuteman said people have procrastinated and now there’s a bit of urgency as neighbors rush to register to vote prior to Election Day.


One note, if you are going to register to vote remember to bring I.D.


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