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VIDEO | Final tally 2021 Jr. Livestock Auction at a Washington County Fair

Washington Co., WI – The bidding got a little crazy Thursday night during the Jr. Livestock Auction at the Washington County Fair… especially when it came to the pigs.

“I honestly thought it was going to stop at $5,” said Paige Langenecker from the St. Lawrence Eager Beavers 4-H Club.

Langenecker was front and center with her 279-pound pig. A bidding war took the $5 to $8 and then climbed to $11 before Badger State Waste secured the winning bid.

Pig prices are below followed by steer and lamb.

Pig prices livestock

Abby Depies
Abby Depies and her Grand Champion steer


Paul Loosen and his reserve Grand Champion

Steer Prices

Paul Loosen and his Grand Champion lamb

lamb sprices

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