18.5 F
West Bend

Germantown architect/builder to construct building and runway crane for Sussex plant

August 22, 2017 – Germantown, WI – Keller, Planners, Architects, Buildersa Design/Build General Contractor, will build a metal building with a runway crane for Halquist Stone in Sussex under the direction of Keller Project Manager, Scott Lausten and Architect, Chris Manske.

Keller, Inc. will build a 8,960-square-foot metal building with a 5-ton runway crane.

Keller, Inc. is 100 percent employee owned and has offices in Milwaukee, Madison, Wausau and the Fox Cities.

Leaders in the industry Keller Inc. specializes in new construction, remodel, retrofit, and reroof projects.

The staff has the expertise to take projects from the early phases of design through the construction process to ensure the project is completed on time and within budget.

Halquist Stone is located at N51 W23563 Lisbon Road in Sussex; construction will begin in September and is expected to be completed in December, 2017.

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