18.4 F
West Bend

Jobs, jobs, jobs at Little Saints Learning Center in West Bend

West Bend, WI –  Job opening at Little Saints Early Learning Center at St. Frances Cabrini in West Bend.
jobs at St. Frances Cabrini

Little Saints Early Learning Center at Saint Frances Cabrini Parish and School in West Bend, Wisconsin, is seeking a new director.  Our new director should have a passion for the best care of our youngest children, seeking to operate our center in a way that upholds the highest standards of safety and quality.  Our new director should be able to ensure that the Center is a place of Christian formation and Gospel values.  This person should have a love of children, good organizational and communication skills, and a working knowledge of the unique needs/skills of early childhood care.

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Be accountable for the daily operation of the Center according to State of Wisconsin Childcare Center licensing standards
  • Communicate effectively and regularly with staff and parents
  • Recruit, train, and manage Center teaching staff


  • Prior experience in early child care/ day care teaching is required
  • Preferred prior experience and formal training in early child care/ day care management
  • A practicing Catholic/ Christian who seeks to live by Gospel values

This position is available immediately to the right candidate and we are eager to hear from you!

To apply:

Fill out the required Archdiocese of Milwaukee employment application form that can be found at: http://bit.ly/archmilapp
Send that completed application form along with your resume and cover letter to:  jobs@wbparishes.org

Please contact Bill Neureuther, Parish Director of Administrative Services, at:
262-338-2366 X113 or bneureuther@wbparishes.org.


    Saint Frances Cabrini School in West Bend WI is looking for a part-time
    Before and Aftercare Teacher.

    Compensation: Based on annual Archdiocesan personnel survey and personnel
    committee recommendation (hourly) 
    Status:  part-time, non-exempt, 20 hours/week, 6:30-7:30 AM and 2:50-6:00 PM
    Starting Now and running through June 4th
    Department:  Grade School
    Primary Function of This Position:
    The teacher would work with our students after the school day.  Providing an environment where students can unwind after a school day and provide activities for them while they wait to be picked up by families.

    Major Responsibilities and Regular Activities:

    • Develop and maintain a constructive and ongoing rapport with children and parents
    • Deliver reports on potential concerns about students as to management as needed
    • Manage day-to-day classroom activities

    Supervision:   This position reports to the principal.
    Preferred Start Date: As soon as possible.

    To Apply:
    Please fill out Archdiocese of Milwaukee Application CLICK HERE  and submit directly to Principal Will Waech wwaech@wbparishes.org 262-334-7142

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