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Letter to the Editor | Pridemore to run for 98th assembly district | By Don Pridemore

Erin Township, WI – Today I am announcing my candidacy for the newly created 98th Assembly District.  

Don Pridemore

It would be an honor for me to again serve many of the same people I previously represented in a previous 99th district, which mirrors the new 98th.  I am the same person now as I was then, just a little more mature and experienced.

Wisconsin and the country are facing serious challenges and having a true conservative representing a district that is 78% conservative gives all of us a chance to make a positive difference to go in the right direction.

I plan to be a staunch supporter of education reform and our second amendment rights.  I ‘Back the Blue.’ Election integrity is also high on my list to make voting more secure, eliminating any opportunity for cheating.

I do not care if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent.  Whatever the issue may be, I promise an open door for any constituents that have a problem with state government or have an issue they need assistance with.  

Currently, I serve on two school boards in Hartford. There are 10 union school districts in Wisconsin which by law have separate high school and K8 school boards.  I’ve learned a great deal about the challenges we are facing to keep our education system focused on education and not indoctrination.

I will bring this acquired knowledge and experience to the State Assembly and fight for parent’s rights in their children’s education and make sure that girls are protected from having to compete with biological males.

I look forward to meeting with as many people or groups as I can.  If you are interested in setting up a meeting for you or your group or church, please contact me.

 If you are interested in helping us with the campaign, you can contact my events coordinator at 414-610-6981.  I will also be putting together a website and be active on Facebook, “X” and Truth Social.


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