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West Bend

Male suspect wanted in Winnebago Co. found dead in vehicle in West Bend, WI | By West Bend Police

September 6, 2023 – West Bend, WI – On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 5:13 p.m., the West Bend Police Department received a request from Winnebago County to check an address in West Bend for a male suspect wanted in connection with a shooting in their county.
West Bend Police suspect
A West Bend Police Officer located the suspect’s vehicle and attempted to make contact when the suspect fled.

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Several West Bend Police Officers pursued the vehicle for a short distance before it crashed in a single vehicle crash on US Hwy 45 just north of the Park Avenue overpass. The male suspect was located deceased in the vehicle.
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There were no other injuries associated with the crash. There is no continued threat to the public.
Due to the West Bend Police involvement prior to the crash, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting the investigation in compliance with Wisconsin State Statue 175.47.
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