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Possibility of snow Sunday in Washington Co., WI

April 16, 2023 – Washington Co., WI – If you’ve already started to celebrate spring and summer by throwing open your windows, storing the shovel, and turning off the heat… you may want to take a hard pause because Mother Nature hasn’t sent winter to his room just yet.
yellow daffodil snow
The head of a daffodil bows under light snow

The National Weather Service is predicting some light snow for parts of southern Wisconsin by Sunday night into Monday.

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Early indications are this would primarily be limited to areas closer to east central Wisconsin along Highway 151. Washington County, WI is seeing precipitation and definitely a drop in temperatures.
Heads up for spring planters who may have some carrots or flowers started in pots outside. The sound advice is to bring them indoors as cold weather can put them into shock and there’s danger of a possible frost.
What signs of weather changing are you seeing?
On a side note: If you’re following the story about Joel Dziedzic racing in the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 17. The race temps are expected to be 50 degrees and cloudy with storms possible after noon.


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