19.7 F
West Bend

Road closures for CTH E and K in Hartford start today | By Steve Volkert

Hartford, WI – County Trunk Hwy (CTH) E from CTH K to State Trunk Highway 164 is scheduled to be closed in two separate locations between the hours of 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. during the week of September 13, 2021, as the Washington County Highway Department replaces two crossroad culverts.


The location of the first culvert replacement project is between CTH K and Kettle Moraine Dr. and a detour will be posted as shown.

After the first project is completed, the second culvert replacement project will begin and the detour will be adjusted as shown.

Each culvert project is anticipated to take one full day, but the work schedule is subject to change due to weather and other factors.

Please use the posted detour routes while the closures are in place.

For more information, please call the Highway Department office at 262-335-4435.



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