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VIDEO | One-on-one with ultra-runner Sarah Krebs of Jackson, WI – Support Sarah’s Crusade for Corey

West Bend, Wi – Sarah Krebs of Jackson takes off Saturday, June 3, 2023 in an attempt to run the entire Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin to honor her friend Corey Wilcox, who passed away last year from pancreatic cancer at the age of 45.

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“We leave for St. Croix falls Friday morning,” said Krebs who will attempt to set the Fastest Known Time – finishing the 1,150ish mile trail in 21 days.  “The current overall Fastest known Time was set in 2020 by Coree Woltering.  It is 21 days 13 hours and 35 minutes.”
Ultra-runner Sarah Krebs
“We have a rough schedule planned for where we will be, but everything is very fluid,” said Krebs.

Click HERE to follow Sarah’s Crusade for Corey

“I will have 8-10 pairs of shoes along.  I will have a live tracker, but it will not be public for safety purposes. 
“I will be taking tons of pictures and videos along the way.  People are more than welcome to meet me along the trail.  My coworkers are planning to do something when I go through Ridge Run Park in West Bend.”
Ultra-runner Sarah Krebs
WCI: How many miles per day?
SK: So, the plan is to go 12 to 14 hours a day. But I that’s fluid with how the day is going and weather and all that stuff.
WCI: What time do you see yourself starting in the morning?
SK: I am a morning person. So, I like running in the morning, when it’s quiet and there’s nobody else out there as the sun’s coming up. That’s my favorite time of day. But each day will probably be different to just how my body’s feeling and how I get out of bed.
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Click HERE to watch a video about coworker and family support for Sarah

WCI: I understand keeping your location a little bit blurry.
SK: We’re planning to post where I finish each day because there are people that do want to know that. There will be some general locations and stuff like that.
WCI: What do you think your chances are of breaking this or setting a record?
SK:  My coach thinks I can do it. It’s a long time, in a lot of ways. There’s room for error and fixing mistakes and all that stuff. But all I don’t know I’m very optimistic about it.
WCI: You’re not carrying anything?
SK: I have a backpack with water and food and stuff. But it will be it will be minimal, depending on how often I’ll be done.
WCI: What what’s your longest Ultra that you’ve done?
SK: I did a 100 miler that took 32 hours. It was through mud, like the last nine miles were pretty miserable. It was in northern Wisconsin. It was the first year for Midwest State 100, which is in August of last year.

WCI: Independently when you train, what’s your normal training mileage?
SK: I go by time versus distance. I probably put in 20 hours a week between all my runs and workouts or more.
WCI: Do you like the terrain on the Ice Age Trail? It’s a lot of up down?
SK: It’s not flat but it’s not Colorado, either. I definitely enjoy my solo run, but I love company as well.

Click HERE to follow Sarah’s Crusade for Corey

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