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Sarah’s Crusade for Corey | 1,150 miles on the Ice Age Trail FINISHED! | By Sarah Krebs

July 17, 2024 – Jackson, WI – An amazing accomplishment for Sarah Krebs of Jackson, WI, as she completed running Sarah’s Crusade for Corey and the 1,150 miles of the Ice Age Trail on Sunday, July 16, 2023. Krebs started her journey in June as a way to raise money and awareness for pancreatic cancer.  Below are notes from her final post.

Segment 3…..COMPLETED!

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Just after 12 p.m. Sarah’s Crusade for Corey has been completed. So many spectators and friends who joined for the celebration.

Finally a group of hooting runners and she erupted out to the finish. Tears and hugs were shared. What an incredible experience to have shared. The tears are all joy filled and happy thoughts going around.

Now it’s over just like that. We hang around, head out for some lunch and decide, like Forest Gump, “I’m tired and want to go home now”. Like we always say as a family what’s your high and what’s your low today? Sarah never said her high but she did say her low. “That we had to do this run…because Corey isn’t here”

It doesn’t matter what we do here now, nothing is bringing back those we love. So what can we do to make the hurt go away? Nothing! It’s going to hurt. But try and keep the memories of them alive and enjoy the days you have.

Don’t let the small stuff ruin your day and the toxic people around you suffocate your success. Put your mind to anything and it can be done.

I love you Sarah for showing our kids how to push through no matter how bad it gets. This is a lesson and memory they will have of you forever.

To everyone who supported this great adventure thank you again! Without the support we never could have finished. While this adventure is over we are definitely not finished. Not even close! Until the good Lord says it’s time we are going to keep living! Please keep sharing and we will continue praying for those in need.


Ben, Sarah, Abel and Johanna



Last day! What a beautiful day to finish the trail today! Got an amazing surprise from Meg Arts who came to run with me❤️❤️ Along with Tina Koplinski, Robert, Brian Seegert, Johanna and Abel! Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer me on, Janna Berenschot Sunstrom, Russ Geiger, Nancy Geiger, Jim Geiger,Katie Geiger! All the texts and love and support. This journey took a bit longer than planned, and the only thing we’d change is actually still having Corey Wilcox here so we wouldn’t have had to do it at all! Thank you everyone for all your love and support! It all has been felt the entire way!

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