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West Bend

VIDEO | West Bend Special Olympics softball team headed to State Tournament

August 5, 2021 – West Bend, WI – Saturday, August 7 is a big day for the West Bend Special Olympics softball team as it will head to the State Tournament at Carroll University in Waukesha.

Mary Fiegel has been coaching the team for over 48 years. Santo Mortillaro Sr. and Jeff Werner are assistant coaches. Both have sons on the team.

“These were close games,” said Mortillaro, “I actually had some butterflies in my stomach because I was like, are they gonna do it? Are they gonna do it? It got kind of exciting.”

Werner said, “Throwing practice really helps… Some of them are a lot better than they used to be. And the hitting has greatly improved.”

“This is as great for me as, I’m sure, for the kids,” said Mortillaro, “During those games and afterwards it’s always wonderful.”

softball special Olympics tournament
Softball Team :  West Bend Sluggers Mike Arguijo, Nick Biersack, Joey Dernetz, Tom Dillman, Rachel Fenner, Tim Grochowski, Ryan Huettel, Bryce Limbeck, Santo Mortillaro, Richard Pamperin, Derek Schneider, Abby Spence, and Ben Werner –  Coaches: Sharon Werner, Jeff Werner, Santo Mortillaro Sr. , Mary Fiegel

Bocce Team:  West Bend Palinas

At the District Tournament, both the softball team and Bocce team took first place to advance to State.

The softball team won 9 to 6 against Team Milwaukee Blaze and then 15 to 13 in the Championship game against Spring City Thunder.

The Bocce Team: Palinas won  11-9 against  St. Colletta leopards and 11 to 10 against  Team Milwaukee Rock N Rollers.

The State Tournament will be held on August 7, 2021, at Carroll University in Waukesha.

The West Bend Special Olympics team recently received the Ribble Donation. Read more HERE.

Crista Christman, Mary Grover, Melissa Lepak, Kristen Niemuth, and Julie Schemmel – Coach: Joan Kienbaum

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