20 F
West Bend

St. Mary’s Springs Academy Salutatorian is from West Bend | By Chelsea McKay



June 7, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Leah Zimmer, the daughter of Greg and Mary Zimmer of West Bend, is the St. Mary’s Springs Academy Salutatorian of the 2018 graduating class.

In addition to her outstanding academic record, Leah has been involved in National Honor Society, the Academic Bowl, Student Ambassadors, Parish Youth Leadership group, the Chess and Math teams and VEX Robotics/Ledger Logistics serving as the Design Engineering Secretary.

She has been a part of the SMSA Varsity tennis team, Drama Department, and Musical Liturgy group.

Leah was very active in the community by assisting as a tutor, alter server at Mass, a volunteer at Parish Festivals, preparing meals and serving at Loaves and Fishes.

Additionally, Leah received many honors and awards including being named Flyway Conference Academic Excellence Award as one of the top 10 graduates of 2018, Rotary Student of the Month, Youth Optimist Senior Award Recipient, and Student Achiever Award in Achievement and Effort.

Leah will attend St. Norbert College in the fall and plans to major in Secondary Education in English and Physics, hoping to one day become a high school teacher or an editor.


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