July 30, 2019 – Washington Co., WI – It’s that time of year when sunflowers are in full glory.
In 2017 WashingtonCountyInsider.com issued a challenge to neighbors to show us your sunflower.
Below is a photo submitted by Shannon Meyer Smith and her son’s sunflower which was over 10 feet tall.
In 2017 Josh Marx submitted the photo below.
I’m 6’7″ last year’s sunflowers. Hoping for 18 foot flowers this year.

The Ward family put a little Wallenda into their photo …. and with junior up top he still wasn’t tall enough to reach the head of the sunflower.
Mr. climbed atop a pair of sawhorses and still wasn’t tall enough – looks like a 10 footer. Can anybody do better?

Ah! Sunflower