11.6 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Candidate forum at Common Sense Citizens – Town of West Bend Supervisor race

March 28, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Two candidates on the April 2 ballot vying for the No. 2 Supervisor seat in the Town of West Bend participated Thursday night in a candidate forum at Common Sense Citizens of Washington County.

Each candidate was allowed five minutes to speak. Incumbent Frank Carr spoke first followed by Troy Zagel.

Frank Carr – supervisor Town of West Bend (I) – Has lived in the Town of West Bend since 2008. Two family places on Big Cedar Lake for 60 years. Familiar with the area. Serenity for Big Cedar Lake has been pleasant and spurred his following of conservation issues to preserve rural character of town. Experience and knowledge matter in this race. Town of WB Supervisor appointed to Town of WB Plan Commission and part of Big Cedar Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District. As Washington Co. Supervisor Carr is on Human Services committee, ADRC, Little Cedar Lake PRD and Silver Lake PRD. Active volunteer in community with History Center of Washington County, Richfield Historical Society, Washington County Visitor and Convention Bureau. Canvassing in the town and meeting people and has a lot of endorsements from all people he’s worked with. West Bend is a lake county sanctuary and given the experience and ability I’m best candidate.

Troy Zagel – running for Town of WB – Supervisor seat No. 2 – Wife Penny and daughter live in Town of West Bend. Third generation resident. Motivation to run came after leaving Town of WB meetings. Wants to maintain quality of life. Common sense approach to government. Fiscal responsibility and conservative ideals. My commitment to involvement in community is lifelong. Over 30 years working with budgets. Donate time to church and other local organizations. Self-funded campaign. Vote Brian Hagedorn and Troy Zagel.


Polls open for the Tuesday, April 2 election at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

Below is a sample ballot for the Town of West Bend.

Sample ballot for Town of West Bend


  1. A word to the wise. Frank Carr was part of the group that voted to restrict access to Big Cedar Lake. He voted to restrict boat access and wants to limit use of the lake to only property owners that live on the lake. He is not a person that votes in the best interest of Town of West Bend residents only those that have money. His actions spoke volumes when he voted in favor of limited access to Big Cedar Lake. The average person can not afford to live on the lake in a huge house. This lake is a public resource and should be treated as such.

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