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VIDEO | Honoring Marilyn Merten for dedication and commitment to Washington County

September 8, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – Family, friends, and elected officials gathered at Washington County Fair Park to pay tribute to long-time County Board Supervisor Marilyn Merten.

Merten was honored with a plaque that read: In honor of Marilyn Merten.

Celebrating her years of service to the citizens of Washington County and the Town of Polk as a County Board Supervisor, County clerk, Germantown School Board Member, Town of Polk Municipal Clerk, and Town of Polk Municipal Treasurer. As an avid supporter of the communities and people who she represented, her dedication to the ideals of public service were so greatly appreciated.

Marilyn Merten


Marilyn Merten is recognized for her contributions as the Town of Polk Municipal Clerk and Municipal Treasurer, a Germantown School Board member from 1977 to 1998, the first female Washington County Clerk from 1994 to 2005, a member of the County Board Supervisors from 2008 to 2020, a member of the Washington County Historical Society Board from 2008 – 2018, and a member of the Agricultural and Industrial Society Board since 2008.  On behalf of a grateful County, we dedicate this permanent symbol of our gratitude and appreciation.

Marilyn Merten tribute

Former Washington County Board Chairman Ken Miller could not be in attendance and sent a note to be read at the event.

Dear Marilyn,

I am so sorry I cannot attend your retirement from the County Board.

Our paths have paralleled for quite some time starting with the Republican Party, through the years at the County up to the Ag-Industrial Society.

During those years we worked together on numerous projects, through some turbulence, but always came to a solution.

I was always impressed with your perfection no matter what. (Sometimes a bit annoyed as you know perfection was not one of my better traits). Whether it was grounds keeping, elections, minutes, rules of order and the list goes on. This was the case, even when personal adversity struck, you were always there.

Through all that, it has been and still is a pleasure to work with you. I wish you all the best and thank you for your tireless service to the people of the county.

God Bless, Ken Miller

Marilyn Merten

Marilyn Merten

Merten was humbled by the recognition. “I never expected anything like this… I just did what I did,” she said.

Marilyn Merten


Marilyn Merten

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