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VIDEO | Thanking God on Veterans Day

November 12, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Quite a few neighbors gathered on a sunny but brisk Tuesday, November 11 in the Old Courthouse Square on Poplar Street in West Bend to pay tribute on Veterans Day.
John Kleinmaus presided over the ceremony and gave a powerful speech.


Good morning and thank you for joining us on this Veterans Day 2020.  Before we begin, I as part of the West Bend Honor Guard, would ask that everyone join us in the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’.

John Kleinmaus

It truly is a privilege for me to be here this morning and I do indeed look forward each year to giving a brief statement at this event.


First, I would like to recognize all our veterans that are here today – raise your hands if you served in 1940s . .1950s . .1960s & 70s . . 1980s & 90s . .those that served after 9/11, and those currently active duty.  Thank you veterans.

Joe Zadra

Now, it is imperative that I use caution as I speak to you today.  Not because someone is trying to curtail my speech or that I fear reprisal from others.  It is because I don’t want my emotions or attitude to take away from the importance of this day. After all, I do represent veterans and I need to be mindful of our mission statement which in part is “To serve our veterans, the military and our communities.”  Our communities, I love our community.  This community is very ‘veteran friendly’ but not all communities are that way.  I will do everything in my power to make my community better.

Doughboy statue

Would you allow me at this time to make a bold statement – in case you haven’t noticed, “this has been a very unusual year.” With all the issues, the mandates, the restrictions, even the events of this past week, all these are enough to drive us crazy.  Seldom do I find myself at a loss for words but I had a difficult time in preparing the speech for today.  For days, I had so many emotions spinning around my head as I tried to write down the words to speak. It would be easy, even though it would be inappropriate, for me to use this time to complain.  I could complain, I could grumble, I could whine or moan because of all these issues.  I could criticize; but I won’t . . . . . .much.

Merlen Stockhausen

Friends, every single one of those that raised their hands earlier, including me, and every individual who has ever served in the U.S. military has taken an oath – “I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic… So help me God.”  By the way, to those out there that are elected officials or work at government agencies, you too may have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God. Those phrases “to support and defend” and “so help me God”, that got me thinking – that will be my theme for this Veterans Day, “support and defend.  so help me God.

I like history, so I decided to look for some inspiration from other veterans to see what they have to say.  I found some interesting notes from one particular veteran that I believe are very relevant today.

I will be reading an article from Providence Forum that did a contemporary synopsis from a part of George Washington’s Farewell speech delivered in September 1796.

“Obstruction of authority is destructive to constitutional government and will lead to its demise. Thereby minorities gain artificial political power over the delegated power of government. These methods aid unscrupulous politicians to subvert popular rule by usurping power. If the Constitution cannot be overthrown, some will attempt to bring innovations to weaken the Constitution. A wise nation will guard against partisan politics. Rival factions often seek revenge producing tragedies that lead to permanent tyranny and the loss of liberty as people yield absolute power to an individual so that they can be relieved of their disorder and misery. Partisan politics distracts and weakens government by agitation, provoking riots and even insurrection that enables foreign influence and corruption. Partisanship is like fire—it is valuable for warmth, but if it gets out of control it will burn down everything.”

My friends, do you agree …… our Constitution is under attack.  I’m sure some of you do but I certainly realize that there are many out there that totally disagree with that assessment.  You can disagree with me but don’t try to tell me that one group of citizens is more important than another.  Don’t try to tell me that we need to defund law enforcement agencies.  Don’t try to tell me that unelected bureaucrats have the right to mandate laws.

Donna Kleinmaus

Support and defend the Constitution of the United Sates.  Are we willing to do that?  That’s easier said than done……. so how do we do it.  Well, I know that I am probably preaching to the choir but we first need to defend our community by staying informed on what’s going on in our communities. We need to keep our elected officials accountable, at city hall, at the county court house, in our school district. We need to speak up and speak out and how can we do that if we are not educated.

Joel Hausman

We need to support our local Police and Sheriff Departments. It’s kind of scary when they know you by name. We are fortunate to have them serve and protect us.  As veterans, we like to have folks thank us for our service, but I submit to you that we all need to thank those that are now on the front lines and are putting their lives in harm’s way.  In this day and age when communities talk about defunding, cutting services, redistributing funds, would you join me as we thank, whole hardily, our Police officers, our Sheriff Department, our Fire Department, our EMTs and Paramedics.

Terry Vranna

Theme number 1; Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States by exercising our Freedom of speech.

I am fully aware that many of you feel the same way I do about the way events unfolded this week.  Many of you are sad and disappointed.  I too.  But I know that there are some that can’t sleep because they are worried, they are depressed, disheartened, dejected.

Now we should be concerned about the future but we should not lose all hope.  I am concerned about the future but I am not going to let past events ruin my life.

Let me remind you of that which we stated at the start – one nation under GOD.  Have we lost sight of who really is in control?  Is our motto “In government we trust”?  In the governor we trust?  NO.  When we swear in our oath, we say “so help me God”. We are asking for God to help. We are seeking His Guidance.


If indeed God is in control, do you think that God is up there in heaven looking down at us mortals and saying something like “Wow, I didn’t see those results coming after the elections.

Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurs to God?  He knows everything, He is in control. I don’t know about you, I can only speak for myself, but I truly believe that God is in control. This is not the time and place for me to preach a sermon, nor is it the time and place for me to tell you why I believe the way I do, but it is all together proper for me to encourage you by stating that God is in control.


Fear and anxiety is very detrimental to our health and well-being.  The way we overcome that is by realizing who we are and who God is.  Let Him control our lives.  Let us not forget these words “one nation under God”; our oath “so help me God”; and our motto “In God we Trust”.

Alan Kieckhafer

The First Amendment of the Constitution was put there by our founding fathers that freedom of speech would be guaranteed because it is so crucial to freedom itself. It is important not to lose focus here.


Lest I’m misunderstood, allow me to make a personal statement.  I do not know what the future holds and if a new administration gets control, I believe that our America could be destroyed.  I am not saying that if we claim that God is in control and if we claim that “in God we trust” that God will automatically make things turn out the exact way we want them to turn out.  No, I’m not saying that at all.


Allow me now to exercise my first amendment right of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. When I say that God is in control, I am saying that He is in control whether we believe it or not.  What I am saying now is for me personally.  I am saying that I believe in God’s Word.  I believe that He promises in the Scriptures that if I truly put my trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, He will be with me.  In that I am confident.


No doubt there will be difficult times ahead and it may not be a bed of roses but I know full well, in God I trust.  I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me God and all will be well with my soul.


On this Veterans Day 2020, let me close by saying this; the best way to honor those who have served is to remember and do as they did, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.  And the best way to support and defend the Constitution is to support those who serve our community.  Our Firefighters, our EMTs, our Paramedics, our Police Department, our Sheriff Department.  Let us not forget our God who is in control.


Thank you for being here.  GOD BLESS THE USA.

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