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West Bend

West Bend West JV1 volleyball sweeps Hartford | By Rylee Faehling

October 8, 2022 – Washington Co., WI – West Bend West Spartan JV1 volleyball took all three sets from Hartford, 25-16, 25-20, 25-22.


Aly Wagner assisted the team in many ways, with serving and setting assists earning key points for the team.

Grace Peters played good defense and was consistent with her swings.

Megan Minz had an impressive game at right side, adjusting to sets well and earning kills easily through blocks.

Maria Olson played aggressively at the net with many blocks and well-placed hits.  Rylee Faehling had 8 kills, followed by Nora Cybell and Avah Banks with 5 kills each.  Morgan Winkler dished out 15 assists and Katie Steier had 21 digs.

The JV1 Spartans will play their last North Shore Conference match on Tuesday, October 11, at home against Nicolet starting at 5:30 p.m.

About the author: Rylee Faehling is a freshman at West Bend West High School. She has been playing volleyball for 11 years and her favorite class is English.

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