January 2, 2025 – Jackson, WI – The Jackson Village Board recently approved the usage of ATV/UTVs within the Village of Jackson.
The ordinance is below if you plan to drive an ATV/UTV in Jackson.
Dinosaur Game: Use up-and-down arrows to play. [dinosaur-game]
There are several important safety and operational rules that are the driver’s responsibility to know and follow.
For example: ATV/UTV’s are NOT allowed on Hwy 60 west of Industrial Dr because State law prohibits the use of them on state highways with speed limits higher than 35 mph. They can be used on P, Sherman Rd, and Cedar Creek Rd because they are county and municipal roads.
They can only be driven on roads between 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Signs will be coming soon.
Ordinance24-11CreatingSec.42-121DesignatingATVandUTVRoutesSigned_vdeykfs4u5Click the arrow in the lower left corner to advance pages on the ordinance.