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Name released following fatal motorcycle crash in Dodge County | By Dodge County Sheriff

October 19, 2021 – Dodge Co., WI – On Sunday, October 17, 2021 the Dodge County Sheriff’s Department was investigating a fatal motorcycle accident on S. Center Road, near Jackson Road, in the Township of Beaver Dam.

Dodge County, fatalIt was 5 a.m. when the sheriff’s office received a report of a motorcycle in the ditch and a man nearby with no signs of life.

The man, a 34 year old from rural Beaver Dam, was later pronounced dead at the scene.

The investigation shows the motorcycle was southbound on S. Center Road, failed to negotiate a curve and entered the ditch with the driver being thrown from the motorcycle.

The man was not wearing a helmet and excessive speed and alcohol impairment are suspected of being possible factors.

The deceased man was identified as Daniel Chase, 34, rural Beaver Dam.  The crash remains under investigation.

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