-10.3 F
West Bend

First Friday Fish Fry is coming up this week at The Columbian in West Bend


Jan. 31, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Every first Friday of the month, The Columbian sponsors a fish fry. The bar and lounge area opens at 4 p.m. and fish is served from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Meals are served on a first come, first serve basis. Guests are welcome to place their order and then relax in The Columbian’s bar and lounge until their names are called.

Choose from deep-fried cod, perch, scallops or breaded shrimp. For those who prefer to have their fish baked, Poorman’s lobster is available.

A delicious steak sandwich and an order of onion rings provide a nice alternative to fish.

All dinners include a choice of fries or German potato salad, coleslaw, rye bread and coffee.

Come join us at 3245 Lighthouse Lane in West Bend.


Don’t forget Sunday is the Volunteer Party and come join us for the Superbowl. Welcome is 4:30 p.m. and Game time is 5:15 p.m.


The hall is located one mile north of West Bend, Wisconsin by taking Hwy D to the east, approximately two blocks to Lighthouse Lane. Taking a left turn onto Lighthouse Lane traveling another block to The Columbian.

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